Easy Widths 1.0.x
Easy Widths is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
Easy Widths determines the ortho-medial widths (local 2D-thicknesses) of an elongated closed selection (area RoI).
Easy Widths presents a table with the basic widths-statistics and optionally plots the widths along the medial axis.
Easy Widths requires an image showing an adequate selection. It does not accept image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.54i or newer
Conditions of use
Easy Widths is freeware
Easy Widths may not be sold
You use Easy Widths at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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smooth Graph 1.0.x
smooth Graph is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
smooth Graph performs post hoc smoothing of specific graphs in “ImageJ” plot-windows.
smooth Graph provides four methods, each with adjustable degree of smoothing.
smooth Graph adds the smoothed graph as a line plot of selectable colour and width.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.53n or newer
Conditions of use
smooth Graph is freeware
smooth Graph may not be sold
You use smooth Graph at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Easy EdgeTrace 1.1.x
Easy EdgeTrace is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
Easy EdgeTrace traces roughly horizontal, contrast-defined edges and overlays the resulting line traces to the image.
Easy EdgeTrace comes with two other plugins, namely “general TraceDistances” and “vertical TraceDistances” that determine and plot the distances between two of such line traces.
Easy EdgeTrace does not accept RGB-color images or image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.54d or newer
Conditions of use
Easy EdgeTrace is freeware
Easy EdgeTrace may not be sold
You use Easy EdgeTrace at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Contour Curvature 1.1.x
Contour Curvature is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
Contour Curvature generates a smooth contour from the boundary points of a single binary-valued and compact object.
Contour Curvature computes and plots the local curvatures of such a smooth object contour.
Contour Curvature requires a binary-valued image and does not accept image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.54f or newer
Conditions of use
Contour Curvature is freeware
Contour Curvature may not be sold
You use Contour Curvature at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Easy PowerSpectrum 1.4.x
Easy PowerSpectrum is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
Easy PowerSpectrum generates the Fourier power spectrum of a square-sized image, or of a circular or square-sized selection.
Easy PowerSpectrum displays spectral power densities either linearly with 32bit, logarithmically scaled with defined decades, or nth-root scaled, the latter two with 8bit.
Easy PowerSpectrum provides three standard methods of power-spectral analysis, namely the report of dominant peaks and the plot of the radial as well as angular power distributions.
Easy PowerSpectrum does not accept RGB-color images or image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.54d or newer
Conditions of use
Easy PowerSpectrum is freeware
Easy PowerSpectrum may not be sold
You use Easy PowerSpectrum at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Orientations 1.1.x
Orientations is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
Orientations performs local as well as global “Power Spectrum”-based orientation analyses of an image.
Orientations generates a needle-indicator field as image overlay and orientation histograms in the form of “Structure Orientation Histograms” and of “Orientation Salience Histograms”.
Orientations does not accept RGB-color images or image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.53m or newer
Conditions of use
Orientations is freeware
Orientations may not be sold
You use Orientations at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Windowing 3.0.x
Windowing is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable (and the successor of “DCfree Windowing”).
Windowing returns a soft-windowed 32bit version of a square-sized image, or of an image’s circular or square-sized selection.
Windowing optionally reduces or minimizes the image mean and embeds the image in an empty canvas of the next “power of two”-size.
Windowing does not accept RGB-color images or image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.53m or newer
Conditions of use
Windowing is freeware
Windowing may not be sold
You use Windowing at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Easy Focus 1.5.x
Easy Focus is an “ImageJ”-Macro that returns the best focused slice of a stack that represents a focus series. The stack may contain a single focus series (z-stack), a temporal sequence of focus series (4D-hyperstack), or focus series of colour channels (4D-hyperstack).
Easy Focus-analyses can be spatially restricted to arbitrary rectangular selections (ROIs).
Easy Focus-analyses are RGB-agnostic and cannot be applied to 5D-hyperstacks.
“ImageJ” version 1.52t or newer
Installed “ImageJ”-plugin “Focus LP”
Conditions of use
Easy Focus is open-source and freeware
Easy Focus may not be sold
You use Easy Focus at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Easy Orientation 3.1.x
Easy Orientation is a “Macro Tool Set” for “ImageJ” that presently consists of two “Action Tools”, namely
Easy Orientation Analysis
performing global “Power Spectrum”-based and optionally highpass-filtered orientation analyses, either of all open images or of the last opened image-stack, and
Orientation Highpass Test
performing such analyses on a single image or stack-slice that is filtered by pre-defined highpasses
“ImageJ” version 1.52t or newer
Installed “ImageJ”-plugins
   “Slice Integrals” and “DCfree Windowing”
Conditions of use
Easy Orientation is open-source and freeware
Easy Orientation may not be sold
You use Easy Orientation at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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DCfree Windowing 1.0.x
DCfree Windowing is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
DCfree Windowing creates a soft-windowed version of minimized mean value from a square-sized 32bit image of even side-length.
DCfree Windowing does not work with image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.52j or newer
Conditions of use
DCfree Windowing is freeware
DCfree Windowing may not be sold
You use DCfree Windowing at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
Please consider using the plugin Windowing.

Angular Deviation 2.0.x
Angular Deviation is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable and easier to use than its predecessors.
Angular Deviation estimates the angular deviation of an elongated (selected) image structure from the nearest reference orientation, vertical or horizontal.
Angular Deviation does not accept colour-images or image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.54b or newer
Conditions of use
Angular Deviation is freeware
Angular Deviation may not be sold
You use Angular Deviation at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Focus LP 1.0.x
Focus LP is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
Focus LP reports the relative in-focus slice of an image-stack that represents a focus series.
Focus LP requires a 16bit image-stack.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.52t or newer
Conditions of use
Focus LP is freeware
Focus LP may not be sold
You use Focus LP at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Streak Angles 1.0.x
Streak Angles is a special purpose “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
Streak Angles is designed to process noisy ladder-like gray-value images or image selections that show unevenly spaced and tilted dark rungs (streaks).
Typically, such images are “time versus distance”-representations obtained from axial two-photon laser scanning microscopy of vessels with fluorescent serum.
Streak Angles computes estimates of the angular streak deviations from the horizontal (tilt angles).
Streak Angles does not accept RGB-color images or image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.53r or newer
Conditions of use
Streak Angles is freeware
Streak Anglesh may not be sold
You use Streak Angles at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
ReadMe  •  Download current v1.0.3

nr realft 2.0.x
nr realft is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
nr realft computes the one-dimensional Fourier-transform of data along a vertical or horizontal straight line selection (of a power of two length) of a 32bit image.
nr realft optionally weights the selected data (windowing) and minimize the mean value.
nr realft outputs either the complex-valued Fourier-spectrum (real & imaginary part or magnitude & phase), or the power spectrum (linear or logarithmically scaled).
nr realft either replaces the selected image data by its Fourier-spectral data, or plots and saves it.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.54b or newer
Conditions of use
nr realft is freeware
nr realft may not be sold
You use nr realft at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
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Slice Integrals 1.0.x
Slice Integrals is an “ImageJ”-PlugIn that is “Macro”-recordable.
Slice Integrals computes sums along straight lines (slices) as a function of the line inclination angle.
Slice Integrals requires 32bit images and does not work with image-stacks.
Java 1.8
“ImageJ” version 1.52t or newer
Conditions of use
Slice Integrals is freeware
Slice Integrals may not be sold
You use Slice Integrals at your own risk
For details please consult the “Legal Information”-section of the ReadMe file.
ReadMe  •  Download

UX Icon
  UmlautXpander 1.2.1
UmlautXpander ersetzt während des Schreibens in Programmen Ihrer Wahl die deutschen Umlaute durch ihre Vokalpaare (ä -> ae, Ä -> Ae, etc.), das „ß“ durch „ss“ und die Ellipse „…“ durch drei Punkte.
UmlautXpander läßt eMails ohne kryptische Zeichen beim Empfänger ankommen und ist jederzeit per Tastatur aus- und einzuschalten.
MacOS 7.5.5 bis 9.2.2 oder OSX Classic
68030/40 oder PPC Apple Macintosh™
Gebühren  (Registrierung)
Euro/US$  10,—  Einzelfreischaltung (Code)
Euro/US$  12,—  Einzelplatz auf Diskette
Euro/US$  90,—  10er-Satz auf Diskette
Versand nach Gebühreneingang
Bargeld, Scheck, International Money Order
! Keine Kreditkarten !
Unregistriert ist UmlautXpander für bis zu 30 Rechnerstarts uneingeschränkt funktional.
LiesMich  •  Download  •  < Hilfe <

PI Icon
  pdfIdentifier 1.2.0
pdfIdentifier makes PDF documents from non Macintosh™ platforms recognizable for Macintosh™ “Acrobat™ Reader”.
Generally, PDF documents (downloaded) from non Macintosh™ platforms don’t have the proper creator and type signatures. Hence, a double click will not open them in “Acrobat™ Reader”.
pdfIdentifier identifies foreign PDF documents when dropped onto its icon and opens them, provided “Acrobat™ Reader” is installed.
MacOS 7.5.5 to 9.2.2 or OSX Classic
68030/40 or PPC Apple Macintosh™
Registration Fee
pdfIdentifier may be used without acquiring a license
pdfIdentifier is NOT in the public domain
pdfIdentifier may NOT be sold
ReadMe  •  Download  •  < Help <

FT Icon
  FlipType 1.1.0
FlipType changes the file type of  “SimpleText” documents from 'TEXT' to 'ttro' and vice versa.
FlipType changes the file type of  “SimpleText” documents when dropped onto its icon.
MacOS 7.5.5 to 9.2.2 or OSX Classic
68030/40 or PPC Apple Macintosh™
Registration Fee
FlipType may be used without acquiring a license
FlipType is NOT in the public domain
FlipType may NOT be sold
ReadMe  •  Download  •  < Help <

AH Icon
  ascii2html 1.0.1
ascii2html generates “Decimal HTML Character”-Code (ISO 8859-1) from most of the Macintosh™ high-ASCII characters while you are typing in “BBEdit” or  “BBEdit Lite”.
Put ascii2html in the “System Extensions Folder” and restart your computer.
Type Cmd-Opt-9 to switch ascii2html off or on.
MacOS 7.5.5 to 9.2.2 or OSX Classic
68030/40 or PPC Apple Macintosh™
Registration Fee
ascii2html may be used without acquiring a license
ascii2html is NOT in the public domain
ascii2html may NOT be sold
Download  •  < Help <

UD Icon
  UpDater 1.0.0
UpDater is a compact and flexible tool for software developers who wish to provide updates for their application resources.
UpDater is easily configured by entering data to specific resources via “ResEdit™”.
UpDater safely deletes, adds and replaces arbitrary resources in target files.
MacOS 7.5.5 to 9.2.2
68030/40 or PPC Apple Macintosh™
Registration Fee
Euro/US$  25,—  Single Program
UpDdater is shipped immediately after the receipt of the payment
Send either Money, a Cheque, or an International Money Order
! No Credit Cards !
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